Remote IT Outsourcing

Remote IT Outsourcing

An entire IT department for the price of one employee
We solve 80% of problems in under an hour
Multichannel technical support
30% cheaper than a full-time sysadmin
We operate according to the ITIL methodology
Response times are defined in the SLA
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IT Services for You and Your Business

Computer maintenance
Services for computer setup, installation, and configuration of software. Repair and replacement of components.
Server maintenance
Assembly, setup, and installation of servers for organizations. Conducting preventive maintenance and round-the-clock monitoring.
Computer network service
Support services for individual computers as well as the entire infrastructure as a whole. Setting up a local network or integrating the branches of an organization into a single network.
Database maintenance
Installation and initial setup, regular database updates. Configuration customization services.
Surveillance system maintenance
Development and implementation of surveillance systems. Maintenance according to regulations, preventive maintenance, and integration with access control systems.
Access control system maintenance
Configuration and implementation of access control and management systems. Support for functionality and routine maintenance.

IT outsourcing cost calculator

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Number of computers
0 100
Number of services and servers
0 50
Will you require limited-time support after the service?
Service cost:
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* Network devices and office equipment maintenance are included in the price.

You need our IT outsourcing services if you:

Unable to hire a competent IT specialist, lack time or experience to handle it yourself.
For a full-time system administrator, there aren't many tasks, yet they are paid a full salary.
You want to entrust the work to professionals.
Your IT specialist is unavailable, there's no access to data, urgent assistance is needed.
You want to keep up with the times, implement technological IT solutions, and save time and money in the process.

Our IT outsourcing will solve your problems!

Advantages of IT outsourcing:

Effective technical support
We resolve 80% of incoming inquiries remotely within an hour.
Coordinated team
A team of system engineers to support any infrastructure, instead of just one employee.
An outsourcing company doesn't get sick or take vacation — and the cost of outsourcing services is 30% cheaper than the salary of an in-house computer specialist.
Established processes
For IT outsourcing, it's profitable to fix things properly — within the first month, the number of repeat inquiries decreases by 50%. You'll have more time for business development.
Round-the-clock support
The duty system administrator is always available and will restore critical services in the shortest possible time.
Your business will benefit from our experience with industry solutions, partner networks, and equipment procurement at competitive prices.

Why should you choose "ONLINE IT SOLUTIONS" for IT outsourcing and computer support services?

15 years in the market
IT outsourcing is primarily a business. We understand your problems and know how important clarity in communication and mutually beneficial terms are.
Experienced team
Our support specialists have at least 6 years of professional experience in IT, while our lead engineers have over 10 years.
Helpdesk service
You always know what's happening with your request. No tech magic behind the scenes, everything is transparent and honest.
We use ITIL practices
This is a methodology for creating an IT department used by IT outsourcing companies worldwide. We build algorithms and operate according to them, rather than reinventing the wheel on the fly.
Comprehensive approach and "one window" principle
ou can entrust us with all matters related to computer equipment and its maintenance: we'll handle subcontractors ourselves and ensure that you are satisfied with the cost and quality.
Professional ethics
We don't just promise, we commit. Guarantees are important for every business. We always suggest first drafting a Service Level Agreement (SLA) and a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). In case of breach of terms, we bear financial and legal responsibility.
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